Avoid These Mistakes to Achieve the Desired Look!
If you’ve considered investing in a straight razor shaving kit and want to brush up on your technique before going to town on your facial hair, you’ve probably noticed that there seem to be more things you can do wrong than right. Once you get beyond the initial learning curve, though, you’ll find that many of the mistakes are similar and boil down to two main categories:
Not Carbing Up
You’re probably familiar with the practice of loading up on carbs before a ride to assure that you’re fueled up and ready to go. While you don’t need to carb up the same way before shaving, you do need to carb up before you begin your session. This will help to provide you with a steady stream of nutrients to prepare your skin for the daily grind and reduce the chances of your blade becoming dull.
Ignoring the Prep Stage
A straight razor will be dull right out of the package, so you have to take the time to file the edge before you use it. Then, whenever you’re done with your shave, you need to take the time to clean your razor and blades and re-edge them to ensure that you get the smoothest shave possible. You can accomplish these tasks before you sit down to prepare your face in the morning.
Aside from these mistakes, you should also be sure to follow the right techniques when it comes to straight razor shaving. You should always wash your face first, then apply pre-shave oil and shaving cream, or lotion, and work them into your beard. You should exfoliate your face first, then apply your shave cream and begin to stroke the blade along your face to different areas, paying special attention to the areas around your mouth and around your Adam’s apple.
If you want to learn about the straight razor shaving services and products Mr. Krispy Professional Barbershop has to offer you, and if you live in or around the Oakland, CA region, please feel free to call us at (510) 221-3021 anytime.