Common Mistakes to Avoid When Shaving With a Straight Razor
Shaving with a straight razor is a skill that takes years to learn. It’s not just about knowing how to use the blade, you also have to understand how your beard grows and how it responds to different types of shaving techniques. Here we’ll discuss some common mistakes to avoid for straight razor shaving:
Avoid Using a Dull Razor
If you’re using a dull razor, you’re going to have to do some extra work to make sure that it gets the job done. Use a sharpening stone or sharpening rod on your straight razors. These tools can be purchased at most hardware stores. Also, use an electric mirror and magnifier so that you can see what kind of edge the blade has after each shave without having to look directly into its reflection. You may want some type of magnifying glass because these devices aren’t always easy for everyone else.
Cutting Too Close to the Skin
The most common mistake people make when shaving with a straight razor is cutting too close to the skin. When you use a cut-throat razor, it’s important to keep your strokes thin and even, so that you don’t accidentally nick yourself. If you’re not sure where exactly on your face this happens most often, look for redness or bumps around those areas where hairs are growing in different directions. You should also avoid cutting into the jawline and neck area because these areas tend to be more sensitive than others.
Not Lathering Up Enough
Lather up well by using good shaving cream, brush, and razor. The best way to lather is by wetting your beard with warm water and then adding some shaving cream to it. You can also use an old towel or face cloth to wipe off any excess moisture after you have applied lotion. Once you are done lathering up your beard, apply more lather by rubbing the brush against the face and cheek area in circular motions.
If you need a good shave here in Oakland, CA area, then Mr. Krispy Professional Barbershop is the go-to barber shop that can provide you a smooth straight razor shaving services. Call us at (510) 221-3021 today!