Interesting Reasons to Consider Razor Shaving

Have a Cleaner Cut  

razor hair shaving is a form of hair removal that is often confused with waxing. However, there are significant differences between the two. razor hair shaving is a cheaper and less painful alternative to waxing. There are also fewer chances of redness and ingrowing hairs. The only real disadvantage of razor hair shaving is it does leave some stubble behind, which is something that waxing does not. The benefits of razor shaving far outweigh the disadvantages. Below are the 3 major reasons why should start razoring:


razor hair shaving is safer than waxing because they do not involve the use of heat. Also, there is no danger of infection or razor bumps. However, many men prefer waxing because it is less messy and it is faster.

Less Costly

Waxing is more expensive than razor hair shaving. However, razor hair shaving is much cheaper than waxing. With razor hair shaving, you only need to buy one razor instead of buying a specialized waxing kit. Also, the blades of a razor are very cheap, and most men already have one in their possession.


Waxing is a lot faster than razor hair shaving. However, it does depend on the skill of the barber. Some barbers are better at razor hair shaving than others. So, the results will also depend on the barber. Nonetheless, you will get a much quicker cut than the traditional one.

Less Painful

razor hair shaving is significantly less painful than waxing. In addition, it is also less expensive. Also, some waxes can be quite harsh on sensitive skin. For example, some waxes can cause redness, burning, and even skin irritation. razor hair shaving, however, will not cause this.

If you are looking for a quality razor shaving in the Oakland, CA area, look no further than Mr. Krispy Professional Barbershop. Call us today at (510) 221-3021 to book your appointment!

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